Education Loan

About Education Loan

Quality education is critical for any individual, and students go above and beyond to acquire it. However, the expense of school has recently risen, and taking out an education loan appears to be the single best answer. An education loan is a loan that learners apply for to satisfy the financial obligations of their degree.

Education loans exist as unsecured loans that can be utilized to fund educational expenditures such as schooling, textbooks, residency expenditures, and other charges such as conveyance. If you want to get a schooling loan but are unemployed or still studying, you may need a co-signer, such as a confidante, parent, or relative who is a qualified adult. You can repay the loan once after completing the examination. Because of the flexible terms and circumstances connected with school loan repayment, obtaining one is pretty quick and uncomplicated.

You may contact us, and we will recommend an EMI depending on your monthly income.


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Education Loan - Eligibility

Any salaried, self-employed or professional Public and Privat companies, Government sector employees including Public Sector is eligible for a Home loan.


Maximum age of applicant at loan maturity: 60 years



Minimum Net Monthly Income: Rs 15,000


Credit Rating

Applicant should have the bank specified credit score.

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