About Home Loan
Home loans provide you with a lump-sum cash advance towards purchasing your preferred house, which is repayable with interest. You can, however, repay the amount through EMIs (Equated Monthly Instalments), allowing you to attain your house goal in a practical and organized manner. It is an understatement to say that house loans have made life easier for millions of individuals in India. It is a very inexpensive choice for anyone who wants to purchase a home or invest in real estate.
A business loan is intended to meet your short-term company demands. It might be a great vehicle for boosting your business by injecting the necessary capital at the correct time.
APPLY FOR LOANGet financing for whatever you need now
Achieve all your goals and aspirations; with the right kind of help, exactly when you need it.
New Home
New Home Loan at basic interest rates from Borrow-Loan Company. You can apply online and check your eligibility and easy EMI. Fast Approval for your new home loan.
Home Conversion
A home conversion loan is a scheme for those who have already taken a housing loan. This loan follow some rules and regulations.It is a part of loan.
Land Purchase
Borrow Loan offers home loan for land purchase to make your dream home. You can compare home loan rates with our compare loan table. Apply online for Home Loan.
Home Renovation
Get instant approval for renovation your home. Borrow introduce home improvement loan. It is with basic rate and flexible EMI repayment.For more detail you can check our loan products.
Home Loan - Eligibility
Any salaried, self-employed or professional Public and Privat companies, Government sector employees including Public Sector is eligible for a Home loan.Age
Maximum age of applicant at loan maturity: 60 years
Minimum Net Monthly Income: Rs 15,000
Credit Rating
Applicant should have the bank specified credit score.